lundi 17 février 2020

NTM#2 : Bunch Views for ICT Plan (with BNC0, BNC1 and IBS1 description)

NoteToMyself#2 17/Feb/1989

After some exchanges with the ICT Director and Digital Transformation project leader, I've undertake the mission to report the vision of ICT across the planned bunches and theirs associated configurations to deploy ( i.e  the targeted "AsPlanned" Nodes ).

Such model is a starting point to realize a full multi layer models of Enterprise Architecture all along its transformation program, but why this model is required ? 

  • European Administration  is going to fund the new plant , and  wants an the specifications of this future architecture enterprise against the different program stage, (also, this would be imposed by another regulation authority in case of medicines or food production, or by a department of defense with weapons or strategic equipment production. 
  • By realizing such model, we will also link and control execution process with the macro project plant. In the following figure (BNC0), i present the IS transformation program (pink concept) and packages and its deliverables referenced to illustrate the link with architecture plateaus ( BNC1,2 and 3),
"View BNC0" - macro ICT definition for the enterprise transformation planning .

[I've linked the deliverables to the planning task, leading to the bunch deployment. A bunch will probably have one or more realizations represented with logical node (high level node almost invariant). These logical nodes are named with "ASx" (x stands for today or planned configurations). They are representing ICT configurations at a effective date. Usually node concept in archimate are tightly connected to physical items composing it, this will be part of a IBS1 and IBS2 views where the logical node is exploded down to their physical node and equipments configured.   
 One remarks about using Specialization link and not a triggering?  I consider the plateaus, or its nodes, are changing all along the time but improving one to another and creating dependency with his original one, more in line with the specialization concept definition. Below, "BNC2 1990"  node is an adaptation of "BNC1 1989" ( so BNC3 against BNC2)]

"View IBS0" logical nodes and transformation path.

[This IBS0 view, I've detailed all logical node structure (still applying naming convention AxPlan + Where + When")they are tagged LOGICAL as they are invariant configuration.
For the farest nodes "BNC1991", they haven't yet any detailed content, rather than today node "tagged ASIS 89W10" which have a clear content definition in IBS views. 

"View IBS1" - Infrastructure Details of any logical node -

[Let's describe the "AsIs FR89W06" to see how this node is physical deployed in the IBS1 view, the following figure presents the deployed configuration of the ICT equipment in the company in France, and reports the equipment configured to be deployed, of course this is the plan and may diverge from reality.
From the reality the flow back in the model is used to report all operational changes on equipment, material  and ICT devices, and these changes are tracked in the Enterprise Asset Management, or ICT Management tools while the impact analysis should be this enterprise architecture model].

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