jeudi 6 février 2020

"Pen IoT", the invented success story of a pen against the keyboard economy by IMYOURMATE

Welcome in an architecture story where a PLM expert uses Enterprise Architecture approach its representation languages to illustrate the story of a very small company located in France, named IMYOURMATE, and producing wood pens since 1900.

"I", the narrator , and writer of this blog, by the way a the cookbook will follow later in 2022 (the real 2022!), and all along my fantasy, I will produce the necessary deliverable (architecture viewpoints and architecture view) to report the epic of this fictional enterprise transformation. 
So, I will interact with my characters to catch theirs vision and report what is the expected architecture model of the merged company. And all along that I will name some people or company providing real expertize in gamification and organization transformation, if not cyber-security and white hacking.

In my fiction, timetable is changed, and they are back in 1989, all things are slightly different, but pen producers and writing arts are challenged by the k-economy, and it started this way in another 1989. 

1989, January 1st
From :

IYMR (stands for IMYOURMATE company name at CAC400000 market), or named she, is a small French enterprise with less than 50 employees to run pens production, She need to adopt a more agile and modern business model or disappear shortly. 

What are the facts: 
a new CEO, named PAS, is named today , PAS is also owning the company, MAGNETIC S.r.l, located in Venaria close to Torino - Italy, where they make interesting innovations and they are producing luxury and exclusive pens. 

So, as a new CEO, the key message is about the transformation to come for all employees.

"Since the collapse of the resources for the paper industry in 1969, we are at the sunrise of a new area for the writing economy, now, with the e-paper powder stabilization acheived in our innovation lab in Bern, we are back in business.  
Then, the only challenge for both of us, is the ideation and design of a new product line, relying on the French capabilities and experiences of wood pen production ; and combined with the Italian innovative mass customization of pens, we will reinvent the writing device to support the best of information technologies and compete with the keyboard majors companies in data production industry (i.e the K-economy)"
Our goal is 3 years from now, but I foresee that we will have our customer able to 3D print our pen model in qualified local farm-lab all over the world. 
All that must happen with the mindset of the circular economy and resources management, in the final vision of giving information production capabilities to all since the paper in now back in business".
internal Displication only
Carbon Copy: Disper Copy : Shareholders, Directors & Managers. 

So now I need to have contact the Digital Transformation Responsible to understand his vision and promote my architecture methods, I should first 
send him an introduction mail about the challenges I see, he should be attentive to my arguments as far as I've done similar stuffs in Electronic Computer Unit domain and Laser Metal printing industry. 

Good evening all.

PS : I own you some explains about the little changes I've introduce in technology and economic history in that blog: 

  • Paper: In 1969, the wood and forest resources were dedicated only to the cleansing the planet atmosphere and cannot be used anymore in any economy. in 1980 they where replaced by e-paper
  • Pen: since 1969, Pen became a pointless item progressively and was replaced by keyboard and e-paper, but authentic writers still used it on brown paper roll and their books are handwritten and often boycotted by the k-economy companies.   
  • K-economy: since 1969, keyboard is the only mean to create digital content it is convenient for mass production of data, k-economy refers to the economy of the knowledge controlled by is major company controlling the data production. 
  • e-paper : by recycling all the electric, computing and digital items, it results in a digital powder to be printed on dead wood support; resulting in an endless recyclable product, looking as a thick paper sheet with electronic, digital, software capabilities. The only limitation: it is compatible only with anagraphic data produced or controlled by the k-economy companies.       
  • Keyboard companies: this device manufacturing industry is leading the global economy (the k-economy) as they are the only one able to produce information, but keyboard requires a huge infrastructure and investment, and is done by major company. One keyboard is given to one people at a time with its authentication card.  
  • Disper: (contraction of display and paper ) or e-paper sheet, replacing all paper sheets since 1980 , editable content is allowed only by certified Keyboards
  • Displication: electronic duplication of an Disper (data copying process to be explained later), allowing data unplugged to the network to be accessible to other e-paper owner
  • ... and forget about Mouse, Screen: they were invented later or in another 1989.

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