vendredi 7 février 2020

NTM#1 : Understand how the 2 companies will merge their respective organizations (functions) in one

NoteToMyself#1  12/Feb/1989

After a short web sites lecture of both IMYOURMATE and MAGNETIC, I've figure out how they will participate each others in the new compagny.

"View EFS0" - archimate enterprise views of functions in a merged company.
[I've highlighted, via the assignment relationship, the responsibility for each company (with actor concept) 
on each function in the merged organization.
I should have use Influence relationship instead for more accuracy.  
Nota : Some concepts in the following view are bleached to give more context to the view exposed, 
and colored items are core elements of the view].

This late example of enterprise description provides a global overview of a merging. This is a good start to run a first thought  and search after for new or transformed services (with BNC2 view, the enterprise services is the corner stone) or to identify enterprise values and capabilities in A view).  So this EFS1 with EBS1 are good enought to run a first open discussion in a workshop.

At this stage, the answer should be given by the Digital Transformation Director , when thinking about the goals to achieve for the new company : 

  • How the existing production capabilities will be reorganized ?
  • Will MAGNETIC s.r.l rely on french production for the new product line?  
  • Where will be the MARKETING department for the new product line strategy definition. 
  • R&D why? isn't too much?  they have INDUSTRIALIZE , ADAPT. Is there any need in production innovation with 3D printing capabilities to develop?  
By understanding their technology , and some reading of their industrial papers and supplier network, I've been able to draft a first view (EBS1), one for 1989 Enterprise Breakdown Systems and another where i foresee the 1991,1992 configurations . 

"View EBS1" AsIs Industrial network in archimate viewpoint:
[I've used Product concepts and associated it to of each equipment concept to track key enterprise product across and within the 2 facilities, the Products is reused across others equipment to represent the industrial scenario planned for the future vision.]

"View EBS1" TOBE : An Industrial network in archimate viewpoint
 [the Product from the 2 facilities are entering in another process transformation (with e-powder addition in multiple layers) in BERN facility announced in 1991. 
It will deliver the e-pen to the ledger Office compliant with e-paper for Keyboard writer. 
In 1992, another plant is announced in Beijing but the industrial configuration and purpose is not yet accessible]

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