1989, February,12st
From: ICT Direction
To: CxO
We have drafted the ICT plan to operate the vision of the next industrial, development and commercial network that was presented a month ago.
The following strategy will be applied , and confirmed within 89W10 end of February, we must secure not only hardware items and software apps but mainly the business continuity while the company is transform itself. Then bunches (HW, SW and process description) will be delivered altogether to the business process owners and respective departments, with acces capabilities to involved partners.
Hence, each bunch will be defined, tested and installed before going live to target, and with configuration to deploy, the achievement of the enterprise goals:
Displication internal only :
PS : By the way i'm looking for someone to draw that transformation story with more graphical concept, the existing limitation of the e-paper, doesn't allow us to produce or exchange graphs, drawings, or pictures easily.
So, a Enterprise Artist with "ASCII Art" capabilities will be necessary to report this transformation journey with associated ASCII drawings on demand.
The following strategy will be applied , and confirmed within 89W10 end of February, we must secure not only hardware items and software apps but mainly the business continuity while the company is transform itself. Then bunches (HW, SW and process description) will be delivered altogether to the business process owners and respective departments, with acces capabilities to involved partners.
Hence, each bunch will be defined, tested and installed before going live to target, and with configuration to deploy, the achievement of the enterprise goals:
- Bunch 1 - Connect French & Italian companies of the group to support the co-design of this new product line
- Bunch 2 - Extension to Switzerland sites : Allow the Co-design transfer and Industrialization to the new center of production
- Bunch 3 - "One Program" development to ensure a distributed capabilities within the group
- Bunch 4 - "Distributed Production" environment to business opportunities with Extended Enterprise and digital access to selling networks
Displication internal only :
PS : By the way i'm looking for someone to draw that transformation story with more graphical concept, the existing limitation of the e-paper, doesn't allow us to produce or exchange graphs, drawings, or pictures easily.
So, a Enterprise Artist with "ASCII Art" capabilities will be necessary to report this transformation journey with associated ASCII drawings on demand.
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